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we go beyond just printing


Freedom Grafix offers a wide-range of services for all of your printing equipment needs.

From rentals, trade-ins', to hard drive security, our experts offer solutions for even your toughest problems. To inquire about one of the below services, contact us today.

Cost-per-Copy & Rental Program
Renting from Freedom Grafix is an entirely hassle-free process; characterized by flexibility, low-cost and customer satisfaction.


Trade-in & Upgrade Program
Whether you are an international copier dealer or a family-owned print shop, Freedom Grafix can structure a trade-in or upgrade program to fit your needs.


Hard Drive Security & Data Erasure Service
Freedom Grafix can destroy or erase the data on your copier or printer hard drive to protect your information security.


Workflow Solutions
Our workflow solutions integrate all office systems, help save time, minimize waste production, and overall enable you to successfully manage all the data within your organization.

Freedom Grafix © 2022

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